All School Councils in Victoria operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Each School Council is established by an Order of the Minister for Education, which specifies the Council’s membership, size and configuration, its objectives, powers, functions and accountabilities and the role of its executive officer who is the principal. The School Council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction.
School Councils have three main responsibilities:
Other key functions of School Councils include:
Our sub-committees and working parties assist Council to complete the work that needs to be done. They report regularly at School Council, provide assistance and make recommendations to school council.
School Council Members 2024
Position | Member |
President | Jodie Lord |
Vice President | Megan Martin |
Treasurer | Emma Rodwell |
Secretary | Sarah Caines |
DET Members 2024 |
Koreena Carlton - Executive Officer |
Agata Gervasi |
Laura Boylan |
Harry Strouzas |
Parent Members 2024 |
Jodie Lord |
Megan Martin |
Russell McIntosh |
Jeremy Zimet |
Lankanath Siriwardena |
Ruth Cook |
Emma Rodwell |
Warren Wu |
Sarah Caines |
Sub-committee | Members |
Policy & Communications | Agata Gervasi, Megan Martin, Sarah Caines |
Finance |
Harry Strouzas, Melinda Lagerwey, Michael Cleary, Jodie Lord, Russel McIntosh, Emma Rodwell |
Buildings & Grounds |
Melinda Lagerwey, Jeremy Zimet, Lanka Siriwardena, Megan Martin, Jodie Lord, Warren Wu, Russell McIntosh |
Instrumental Music |
Melinda Lagerwey, FPS Vern O’Hara-Instrumental Music Coordinator, Ruth Cook, Jodie Lord |
OSHC | Michael Cleary, Warren Wu, Emma Rodwell, Melinda Lagerwey, Team Kids Representative |
School Council meets at least 8 times each year with meetings held on Monday at 6.00pm to 8.00pm {except during vacation periods}.
Parents are welcome to attend any School Council Meeting as a guest. Dates of school council meetings are shown below and also included in the Calendar on our website. If you are interested in attending as a guest, please contact the school office on the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
2024 FPS School Councilors Profile
Name & Photo | About our councillors |
Agata Gervasi |
Hi Flemington Primary School community, my name is Ms. Agata. I am one of the Learning Specialists and share the role of Assistant Principal in Student Engagement and well-being. I believe that well-being and Learning are strongly connected and support the school community to ensure that we are providing an environment and curriculum where all students can Be their Best. I have been at FPS for 15 years and am proud to be part of FPS. I love the diversity of our school and am always learning something new. I am first generation Australian from an Italian background. I have 2 adult children and hope to get the genes of my 93-year-old father.
Jeremy Zimet |
Hi everyone, my name is Jeremy. My son Benjamin is in Foundation at Flemington Primary School and this is my first year on the council. I also have a daughter at kinder locally.
Starting on the council in my son’s first year of school certainly gives me a unique perspective – mostly about how dedicated the staff and teachers are and about how much I have to learn about school operations/life in general.
Please come up and have a chat with me in the schoolyard about any issue relating to FPS or the council. I’m also on the school’s communications and policy committee, so would love to talk about issues relating to this kind of thing too. I’m looking forward to speaking with you!
Jodie Lord (President)
Hello FPS! This is your friendly neighbourhood Jodie Lord. Mother of Jackson (Grade 4) and Hannah (Grade 2), Sam and I are so proud of our chosen school community. I have been an active member on the P & C for 3 years, and this is my second year on council. I am always available for a chat; never afraid to ask the tough questions for you and always ready to roll up my sleeves to get involved and get things done. We are so grateful for you all and all that you bring to our school journey. |
Laura Boylan
Hello FPS, my name is Laura Boylan and I am the Assistant Principal and Curriculum Lead at FPS. I am thrilled to be back at FPS this year after taking a year of family leave. I have always had a passion for learning and education and strive to help all students find what makes them light up and to feel a personal sense of achievement when they have reached their personal best. I have two daughters, one who started primary school class year. This experience has given my a new insight into schooling and education from a parent perspective and I aim to bring this learning into my professional life to support all parents as they transition their young ones into primary school. On the weekends you can find me at a local parkrun, braving the cold ocean waters or searching the cafes for the best almond croissant. |
Megan Martin (Vice President) |
Hi I am Megan, I have 2 wonderful daughters - Emma (Grade 1) and Chloe (Foundation). I enjoy getting involved - this is my second year on the council and I was previously President of Ascot Kindergarten. I am a long time mining industry executive and more than happy to discuss all things mining to anyone interested! We are a neurodiverse family and Nathan and I love FPS and our local communities. I am passionate about ensuring all children are included and supported on their education journey and I am keen to understand your views. |
Russell McIntosh |
Hi, I’m Russell. I have Toby in Grade 6, Ben in Grade 4 and Claudia in Grade 2. I am passionate about making FPS the best school it can be for the kids, the staff and the broader community. I want FPS to be a leader in primary education and feel we are well placed to achieve that. I run my own business in the trade show field and coach basketball. I am also currently advocating (quite strongly) for a basketball stadium in Moonee Valley as a further away of ensuring our community gets what it deserves. Please sing out where I can help you and your family. |
Ruth Cook |
Hello FPS, My name is Ruth Cook. I am the very proud mother of 3 awesome humans Charlotte (MAC), Noah (grade 5) and Arthur (grade 4). I love giving back to the local community, having good chats which include tea or coffee, laughing and my kids. I work 1 day a week as a Pre School Music Program Facilitator and adore singing and dancing with 20+ preschoolers every Monday. You can find me every other day of the week around school at drop off and pick up, running the FPS Parents & Carers Group, helping with Canteen, Second hand uniform shop and classroom helping or having coffee and chat down the road. Please come and find me, I would love to talk to you and get to know about you, your family and your thoughts on our community. |
2024 School Council Meeting Dates:
26th february, 25th March, 6th May, 3rd June, 5th August, 9th September, 28th October, 2nd December
School Council Standing Orders