Class rolls are kept in accordance with Departmental Policy. A written explanation is required whenever a student has been absent. If a student is going to be late to school or absent it would be appreciated if a phone call could be made to the General Office. If a child is likely to be absent from school for a prolonged period please contact the office who will communicate this to the class teacher who may suggest activities for the child to complete during the absence.
Unexplained absences will be followed up by the school. Children are not permitted to leave the school or playground during the school hours (8.45am-3.30pm) without permission from the Principal and a note from their parents. Parents/Carers must visit the General Office before collecting them from the classroom. If children are late to school they must be signed in at the office.
The Outside School Hours program is operated by Team Kids using our facilities.
Enrolment must be arranged through the Team Kids website and parents register, make bookings and pay fees through this site.
The program runs from Monday to Friday
6.45am to 8.45am for Before School Care
3.30pm to 6.00pm for After School Care.
The service also operates during curriculum days and school holidays.
For more information please visit
Communication between school and home is highly valued. Parents are asked to make an appointment for any discussion with the Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance Officers or teachers. An appointment will be arranged at the earliest possible time and attention will be given immediately to urgent issues.
Please ensure children arrive at school between 8.45am and in time to commence lessons at 9.00am. A late arrival is very disruptive and often your child will miss important announcements. Staff begin supervision of the playground at 8:45am.
A whole school assembly is held weekly on Fridays at 3.10pm and on other special occasions. These assemblies include reports from students, awards and weekly announcements. Whole-school gatherings create a cohesive school community and maintain a heightened school spirit. Parents are welcome to attend.
Buddies are a feature of the pastoral care, social and academic program at Flemington Primary School. Each Prep student has a Year 4 buddy and they meet regularly throughout the year.
The School does not run a canteen. The Parents' and Carers Association provides a Special Lunch once each term at a minimal cost. They also sell icypoles every Tuesday and Friday during Terms one and four and hot soup or chocolate are available in Terms two and three on Friday. These items cost $1 each.
Contact numbers and addresses need to be kept up to date with the General Office. Children can be distressed unnecessarily when sickness or illness occurs and the contact number is out of date.
The organisation of classes is based on academic and behaviour structure that encourages individual achievement and social development. Prep grades are always run as individual levels however the grade structure from Grade 1 to Grade 6 is dependant on student numbers at each level and may include composite or straight grade groups. In addition to the curriculum program in English, Mathematics, History, Georgraphy, Economics, Thinking and Personal Development, specialist programs are run in PE, Creative Arts, Library, Chinese, Science and Music.
Dear parents/carers,
Attached is a link to DEECD information regarding Coronavirus.
Emergency Drills are necessary for the safety of all those within the building and will be conducted every term to ensure all are familiar with the routine. Please obey all procedures if visiting the school during an evacuation.
Educational excursions including camps are regarded as an integral part of the learning process and a fundamental part of children's education. They provide experiences which stimulate curiosity and create springboards for further learning. Children are expected to participate as excursions are not isolated learning experiences. Excursions are paid for in a levy at the commencement of the school year, saving parents from having to fund individual amounts during the year. Written advice on excursions will be given to parents. If you have difficulty meeting the cost of a camp contact the Principal to discuss your position.
Please discuss any special circumstances with the Principal and lodge copies of these orders/agreements with the Office Manager. They are treated confidentially in our school.
As an accredited Go For Your Life school, we ask that children have a drink bottle available to them every day. These may be refilled with cold water during the day and students are allowed to have them on their tables or in a convenient location in class.
Classes commence at 8.50am and conclude at 3.30pm. Recess is from 11.00am-11.30am. Lunch is from 1.30pm-2.30pm. (In the ten minutes prior to lunch students eat their lunch with teacher supervision).
DEECD advises that all children attending school in Victoria should be immunised against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and HIB (Haemophilus influenzae type b). We would ask that you check your child's present immunisation status to see whether it is complete for his/her age. Victorian Public Health regulations require schools to request proof of up to date immunisation when enrolling. Failure to provide this may result in your child being excluded from school should an outbreak of an infectious disease occur. A copy of exclusion periods for students with infectious diseases is available. Parents are asked to adhere closely to these requirements unless medical advice to the contrary is provided in writing.
Infectous Deceases School Exclusion
The school does not carry personal accident insurance for students. Parents are advised to take out their own personal accident insurance for their families.
Junior School Choir is offered as an option through the Instrumental Music Program. Choir practises weekly at lunchtime.
Please inform the front office staff when students are moving interstate or transferring to another school. Teachers should also be informed with plenty of notice so that they can prepare transfer information for the new school.
It is important that sick children are kept at home for their own comfort as well as the comfort of other children and staff. If a child becomes ill or is injured at school appropriate First Aid will be given and if necessary parents will be notified and asked to take their child home. If emergency treatment is required parents will be notified immediately and the child will be transferred by ambulance to hospital. In such cases ambulance services and treatment are at the parents expense. If medicine is to be taken at school it must be given to the General Office with WRITTEN instructions. All students who have an ongoing condition (eg asthma, diabetes, epilepsy) must have a treatment plan completed by parents and their GP and lodged at the school. Plan proforma are available from the Front Office.
If a child is to take a prescription medicine while at school, written directions and medicine must be left with office staff. Information on a child's health status eg epilepsy, diabetes, should be given on enrolment or on diagnosis. If the health problem is serious please provide an up to date photograph of the child so it can be placed on our staffroom Medical Alert board.
A Primary School Nurse visits the school annually to examine children in Prep. Other children may be examined as required.
Head lice are extremely contagious but easily eradicated. Children with either eggs or live lice will be excluded from school until written evidence of treatment is produced. Please report any cases of head lice to the classroom teacher.
Headlice Information and Treating Headlice
Quarantine periods for infectious diseases such as mumps, German measles, measles and chicken pox are provided on a separate sheet in the enrolment package. An immunisation form is required to be completed for all students enrolling in the Victorian system. The appropriate form is included in the enrolment package.
Infectious Diseases School Exclusion
The Instrumental Music Program, is run by the School Council and provides individual and small group professional tuition in a range of instruments. The Coordinator is Vern O'Hara phone 0403 777 050.
2024 Expression of Interest for Instrumental Music
The School Newsletter is produced fortnightly. Information includes school events, calendar dates and educational research on current issues.
The Parebts and Carers Committee promotes community participation in the activities of the school. All parents and guardians of students at the school are considered to be members and other interested individuals may become members. They meet monthly. A mailing list is used to circulate information. For further information please contact Ruth Cook, Natasha Noonan and Sara Kennedy on
Flemington Primary School has limited safe parking areas in the adjacent streets around our school. In the interests of student safety and respect for the residents adjoining the school, parents and visitors are asked to make use of the parking area in surrounding streets. Please do not park over residents' driveways.
There is no parent parking at the school. The laneway is manned in the mornings for safe drop off at the courtyard entry.
All permission notes for activities outside the school must be returned to the school signed by a parent/carer. Students cannot attend an excursion without a signed permission note.
Please mark clearly your child's name on all personal belongings including clothing. Unclaimed belongings are kept in the Lost Property area and may be checked at any time. Items remaining at the end of each term are sorted - named items are returned to the children concerned and the remainder donated to charity. To avoid disappointment due to loss or damage we require all students to leave personal items and toys at home except by special arrangement.
Students are expected to know and remain in playground areas. Students should arrive at 8.45am ready for school to start at 9.00am. Staff are on duty from 8.45am in classrooms preparing for lessons. Between 8.30am and 8.45am there is no teacher on outside duty. Students are requested to seek the assistance of the Assistant Principal or another teacher if they have concerns regarding the playground. The playground is supervised by the teaching staff before school, each recess, at lunchtime and after school. During wet weather students are supervised within the school buildings.
Individual and class photographs are taken each year. Arrangements can be made to have family photographs taken. Prep photographs are taken during the first week of school while the rest of the school, Grade 6 Graduation, Student Leaders, Student Representative Council and Instrumental Music photographs are taken later on in the year.
All School Policies are prepared by members of staff before being presented to School Council for review. Consultation with parents, teachers and students occurs prior to this with the Education Sub Committee taking the leading role in policy development. All policies are developed as per DEECD Guidelines and articulate the Flemington Primary School implementation of the focus.
All current policies are available for view on the Policy page.
Flemington Primary School believes that communicating student achievement in the most effective way possible is essential. Our aim is to develop a partnership between teachers, parents and students to ensure reporting is timely, accessible and informative.
Written reports are provided at the end of term 2 and term 4. Formal, face to face interviews are available after term 2 reports have been sent home and teachers may request interviews with parents as required after the interim reports. Interviews or appointments may occur at other times at the discretion of parents and teachers.
Students in Grades 5-6 are involved in Student Led Conferences, where the student leads the discussion and demonstrates and articulates their learning. Students in Prep - Grade 4 have Parent/Teacher interviews.
Developing school and class rules is a collaborative effort and they are designed for safety and security of the whole community. These are regularly discussed during class meetings, SRC meetings and assemblies and should be clear to all students.
The School Council allows collaboration between parents and staff in decision-making processes.
School Council members include seven parents (one being the President), four teachers and the Principal.
School Council meets at least 8 times each year with meetings held on Mondays at 7.00pm {except during vacation periods}. Staggered two-year terms ensure continuity in the Council's work. The School Council encourages communication between the school and its community in determining the school's budget, curriculum and education policies as well as its many needs in relation to buildings, facilities, equipment, funds and staff.
Sub Committee meetings are held two weeks before the Council meeting {except during vacation periods} - Finance/Music, Policy Development/Education, Facilities and OSHC.
Parents are welcome to attend any School Council Meeting and elected community members of the School Council can be contacted about school matters.
Current members include: David Cornish - President, Karly Abery- Vice President, Amelia Moore - Treasurer, Richard Watkins - Secretary, Kaha Mohamed, Rebecca Shaw, Halima Malaak and Ali Robertson
Community member - Karly Abery
Staff representatives are Amanda Williams (Principal), Laura Boylan (Assistant Principal), Michael Cleary (Teacher) and Amy Mullins (Business Manager)
Outside school hours the school buildings are under the protection of a security system. However any suspicious behaviour on school property should be reported to Police immediately.
A sports levy is used to cover all interschool sports activities for students in Grades 5 and 6. This is paid at the beginning of the school year and covers transport to and from away games, our membership of the Victorian Primary Schools Sports Association and includes the provision of sporting clinics for students not directly involved in interschool sports.
Flemington Primary School follows the Sunsmart Policy Guidelines for Victorian Schools, "No Hat - No Play". A key requirement of the Sun Protection Policy is for students to wear broad brimmed hats which protect the face, neck and ears whenever the students are outside during Terms one and four. Students without suitable hats are not permitted to play outside at recess and lunchtime. Parents are requested to provide a hat and also provide a sun protection factor (SPF) 15 plus water resistant sunscreen. The school has provided additional outdoor seating, shade and tree planting as measures to support the policy.
The school operates on a four term system with holidays set by the Department of Education and Training. Dates are available on the DEECD website at Education Department
Children moving to another school should advise the class teacher and the Principal at least one week prior to the move. The student portfolio will then be ready for collection. If you are aware that you will not be returning to Flemington Primary School following the Christmas holidays please notify the school as soon as possible.
Children's toys, unless specifically asked for by a teacher, should be kept at home. It is difficult sometimes for children to care for these properly at school and the chance of breakage is high. The school takes no responsibility for these items.
The school uniform is compulsory - the wearing of school uniform promotes school identity, sense of community and school pride. The school colours are navy and teal. Most uniform items are available from the Uniform Shop. Uniform orders can be placed via the office and they will be delivered to the classroom when ready. You also have the option to order online directly with our uniform supplier and they will deliver orders to school at the end of each week.
As per Education Department policy, all parents/carers who volunteer in classrooms, at sporting events, on excursions or as drivers must have a current Working With Children Check. Application forms are available at the school office or at any post office and are free for volunteers.
For further information see the Justice Department website at Working With Children Check
Volunteers must sign in and wear a visitor's badge each time they volunteer.
From time to time parents are asked to assist with the transportation of students to special events. Your assistance is appreciated however the owner and/or driver is responsible for ensuring they carry the required driver's licence, that the vehicle is appropriately registered and insured, is roadworthy, and that loading does not exceed the seat belt provision of the vehicle.
Classroom Helpers and Volunteers handbook
Drinking water is essential for keeping the brain and body hydrated for learning. Students are asked to bring a plastic water bottle to school daily. Students are reminded to have regular drinks of water during the day. Students may drink water inside the classroom.
If students ride bicycles to school they must wear a helmet. Bicycles must be placed in the bicycle compound which is out-of-bounds during the day. For the safety of all students no wheeled devices (including skateboards, in-line skates and scooters) are to be ridden in the school playground at any time. Skateboards and in-line skates are not considered to be safe transport to and from school for primary-aged children. The school will not accept the responsibility for the care of any wheeled device or associated equipment.
At the end of term 4, all Year 6 students attend a special Graduation ceremony to mark their completion of primary school.